Category Archives: Personal Injury

Legal Options in Distracted Driving Claims
Mostly because of the rise of Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing companies, the number of distracted driving accidents has increased significantly in recent years. Most people multitask their way through their days. So, they assume they can do the same thing behind the wheel. But there’s a big difference between multitasking during a Zoom… Read More »

A “Pandemic” Of Catastrophic Injuries Resulting for Millions Who Work from Home Due to Setups
For many, having to suddenly switch to working from home due to COVID-19 has caused a number of serious injuries. Many of those who began working from home in March believed that they would only be doing so for a few weeks and therefore neither they nor their employers arranged for an appropriate ergonomic… Read More »

Top Workplace Injuries, Teleworking, & Returning to Work During the Pandemic
According to a new report from Liberty Mutual Insurance, the top 10 causes of workplace injuries are costing US businesses more than $1 million per week, or almost $60 billion per year, and make up almost 90 percent of the total cost of all workplace injuries. These are also the main causes that lead… Read More »

Florida Nursing Homes May Once Again Be Open to Visitors—A Move Many Are Calling Outright Dangerous
Florida is reportedly en route to opening up its nursing homes to visitors, and many have concerns that this is not only premature, but downright dangerous. Gov. Ron DeSantis created a task force composed of elder care industry trade group leaders, one resident, and state officials that, in late August, submitted a list of… Read More »

Employers Increasingly Sued for Negligence Due to Employee COVID-19 Deaths
Around the country, as the number of COVID-19 cases increase, so to do the number of lawsuits filed against employers. Specifically, an increasing number of families have started to bring wrongful death lawsuits in particular against employers of loved ones, arguing that they were negligent by failing to keep family members safe at work,… Read More »

Tampa Hospital Tragically Loses Remains of Newborn Baby
For many parents, losing a child is the greatest sadness they could possibly experience. Some unfortunately experience this either during or immediately after birth; sometimes due to birth complications, and sometimes due to a hospital’s negligence. Sadly, one couple whose child passed away several days after he was born was also put through yet… Read More »

New Study Reveals That Driverless Cars Won’t Prevent Auto Accidents. Meanwhile, Florida Recklessly Welcomes Them onto Our Roads
In June, the Insurance Institute for Safety published a study indicating that although 94 percent of all auto accidents are caused by human errors, autonomous vehicles will likely only be able to prevent approximately one-third of these accidents because it cannot anticipate or counter all human driver mistakes. Specifically, while self-driving vehicles can prevent… Read More »